Call for Proposals

Teaching Professor
Online Conference

Live Access: October 22–24, 2024
On-Demand Access: October 25, 2024–January 31, 2025

The Call for Proposals is now closed.

Magna Publications invites proposals for concurrent sessions and poster presentations for the 2024 Teaching Professor Online Conference, live on October 22–24, 2024 and on-demand from October 25, 2024 through
January 31, 2025.
The Teaching Professor Online Conference provides a thought-provoking and stimulating forum for educators of all disciplines and experience levels to share practical ideas and best practices that advance college teaching and learning.

We encourage you to seriously consider this opportunity to share your expertise at a conference of your peers. The deadline for submitting a proposal is June 14, 2024. Confirmation of accepted proposals will be sent by July 31, 2024.

Selected presenters are responsible for their own conference registration. 

All submissions go through a blind, peer-review process by our advisory board. Members use the following rubrics to evaluate proposals. Because this is a blind review process, anonymity must be maintained in the proposal or it will be automatically excluded. 

Rubric for Concurrent Sessions

CriteriaPoorModerate Excellent
Relevance: Addresses ideas, topics, or practices that are highly relevant and significant to teaching and learning at the university level.     
Evidence: Cites previous scholarly work and integrates theory and/or quantitative or qualitative assessment data. The presentation does not rest on the presenter’s experience.     
Action: Offers content applicable to a variety of disciplines and campus sizes by sharing innovative and creative thinking. Proposal covers new ground or is a significant advancement or application of well-documented practice.     
Appropriate: The session proposal is likely to accomplish the stated outcomes. It is appropriate for the track selected by the presenter.     
Presentation: The session is engaging and interactive. It includes the thoughtful use of active learning and engagement activities synergistic with the proposed content and session goals.     

Rubric for Poster Presentations

CriteriaPoor  Moderate  Excellent
Is the topic appropriate for this conference?     
Audience: Is the topic relevant to a broad range of disciplines, students and/or institutional settings?     
Overall Proposal Quality: Writing, organization, originality.     

Day 1
Focus on Instruction

Assessing Learning

Submissions to this track should focus on assignments, assessments, and grading practices, and/or strategies measuring students’ accomplishment of course objectives and learning outcomes, such as:

  • Tests and assignments
  • Grading Systems and Criteria
  • Self and Peer Assessment
  • Rubrics
  • Feedback

Student Engagement

Submissions to this track should promote one or all of the dimensions of student engagement: behavioral, emotional, or cognitive, including:

  • Instructional strategies promoting engagement
  • Practices supporting engaging classroom climate
  • Promoting broadly engaged participation and discussion
  • Classroom-based engagement activities

Technology Tools for Teaching

Submissions to this track should focus on the effective use of teaching and communication technologies including the theoretical underpinnings that drive the use of technology for teaching. Examples include:

  • The pedagogical research that supports the tool (and/or the pros and cons of the tool)
  • An introduction to using the tool
  • An example of the tool used in an online, hybrid, or traditional class

Day 2
Focus on Student Learning

Online Teaching and Learning

Submissions to this track are specific to teaching in the online environment, which presents unique challenges and opportunities. Submissions for this track typically include, but are not limited to:

  • Course design
  • Student discussion and engagement
  • Feedback and grading
  • Instructor presence

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

This track focuses on practices and strategies supporting minority and/or marginalized students. Proposals may include, but are not limited to:

  • Inclusive curricula
  • Inclusive learning climates
  • Inclusive instructional practice
  • Universal Design for Learning

Course Delivery and Instruction

Submissions to this track explore the different aspects of teaching a course. Topics may include:

  • Creating a highly engaging classroom experience
  • Fostering positive and productive learning
  • Classroom teaching strategies
  • Prompting discussion to facilitate learning
  • Promoting a growth mindset among students

Day 3
Focus on Your Teaching Career

Outside the Classroom

Sessions in this track focus on the many responsibilities that come with teaching beyond the classroom. Proposed topics may include but are not limited to:

  • Engaging students outside of class
  • Reaching out to struggling students
  • Advising students
  • Mentoring students
  • Mentoring faculty
  • Strategies for balancing the competing demands of an academic career

For Mid-Career Teachers

Proposals to this track should focus on concepts and practices of importance to mid- and later-career faculty in making positive changes that will invigorate and refresh their teaching and their relationships with students. Topics of interest for experienced teachers may include, but are not limited to:

  • Reenergizing course material
  • Connecting with a changing student population
  • Feedback that improves instruction
  • Time management

For New Teachers

Sessions in this track represent teaching and pedagogy basics. New faculty are accomplished scholars in their disciplines but often have received very little training or experience in teaching. Attendees in these sessions will be in their first few years of teaching. Pertinent topics for new teachers may include, but are not limited to:

  • Effective classroom practices specifically for novice teachers
  • Teaching strategies specifically for novice teachers
  • Developing a teaching or classroom philosophy
  • Time management
  • Things “I wish I knew…” and/or advice for new teachers