Virtual Conference

Watching the Leadership in Higher Education Virtual Conference

Are you looking to develop as a leader in higher education but cannot travel at this time? With the Leadership in Higher Education Virtual Conference, you can catch our keynote presentations, selections from the concurrent sessions, and other conference highlights—enough to make you feel almost as if you had attended the live event!

Here’s what some of the attendees at last year’s virtual Leadership in Higher Education Conference had to say:

“I truly appreciated that the conference was virtual and the sessions I was able to view were excellent!”
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Karen L Robinson
Assistant Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, Bellevue University
“I greatly appreciated the on-demand format. It worked best with my teaching schedule and I could watch and pause the video presentation if I wanted to make special note of specific information.”
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88% of Leadership in Higher Education virtual conference attendees thought conference site was easy to use In fact, over 88 % of participants who replied to our survey about the 2020 conference either “agreed” or “strongly agreed” that the virtual conference site was easy to use. And 85 % said they would be “likely” or “very likely” to attend a virtual version of the Leadership in Higher Education Conference in the future.

What's Included:

On-demand access to conference plenary sessions

On-demand access to 20+ concurrent sessions

Conference handouts and materials

Best of all, you can access on-demand events from the day after the live conference through December 31, 2021. Enjoy the best of the Leadership in Higher Education Conference even with a busy schedule!