Do you have Learning Management System (LMS) integration available?

Yes. When customers of the Magna Digital Library purchase Magna Campus, it allows faculty and staff from the subscribing institution to access the Magna Digital Library through their on-campus LMS. NOTE: at this time, access to our newsletter titles (Academic Leader and The Teaching Professor) and the Journal of Faculty Development are NOT available via LMS integration.

When users click on Magna Campus to access Magna Digital Library within their LMS they have direct access to the content, eliminating the need to create a Magna account or to log in to Magna’s web site.

Is there a charge for adding LMS access (Magna Campus) to my Magna Digital Library subscription?

There is a one-time fee of $300 for each installation of Magna Campus for group subscriptions to Magna Digital Library. This fee includes site set up and up to one (1) hour of software technical support. With the software technical support, once contacted, we guarantee that the site & content will be accessible via your Learning Management System within 72 hours. After the first hour of support, OR after 90 days of site set up, additional technical support is available for $150 per hour. Please contact Magna Customer Service at to arrange for Magna Campus technical support.

Do you provide user and usage reporting for Magna Campus/LMS integrations?

Group online subscription customers, including those with Magna Campus, can receive, upon request, user and usage statistics. Usage reporting is available going back one year from the current date. Due to privacy restrictions, requests for reporting can only be made by the on-campus administrator and should be sent via email to

For more information or to get started with your LMS integration, please contact our Staff Development Consultant, Mackenzie Cahill, at