Thanks for your interest!
This page will help you learn about our products and how to propose your ideas for publication. First, we’d like you to know a little more about us. Magna Publications connects teachers and leaders with noted education authorities. We provide expert-created professional-development content in focused and flexible formats including digital products, publications, and conferences suitable for individuals or entire campuses.
- Read through the product descriptions and see where your idea best fits.
- Specific application instructions and contact information accompany each product description.
Digital products include Magna Online Seminars, Magna 20-Minute Mentors, and Courses. We review proposals for digital products on a weekly basis.
- Magna Online Seminarsare recorded 60-minute programs about challenging topics in higher education. You’ll present on camera with an accompanying PowerPoint presentation. When the program airs, we ask that you provide email responses to any attendee questions.
- Magna 20-Minute Mentors are highly focused 20-minute video presentation answering a single teaching or leadership question and providing actionable insights.
The Teaching Professor is a source of cutting-edge information and inspiration for educators with a circulation of more than 10,000. Submissions are reviewed each month; articles range from 800-1500 words.
Academic Leader examines current trends, challenges, and best practices and helps leaders advance teaching, scholarship, and service on hundreds of campuses across the country. Submissions are reviewed each month; articles range from 800-1500 words.
Faculty Focus Blog: Through its free e-newsletter and dedicated website, Faculty Focus publishes articles on effective teaching strategies for the college classroom. Submissions should be advice-driven and about 800 words long.
Supporting Faculty provides academic leaders with the tools and resources necessary to support and empower their faculty members via relevant and timely articles on strategies related to faculty recruitment, development, and retention. Submissions are reviewed each month; articles range from 800-1500 words.
Supporting Faculty Submission Guidelines:
Supporting Faculty provides academic leaders with the tools and resources necessary to support and empower their faculty members. It provides relevant and timely information on strategies related to faculty recruitment, development, and retention. We strive to foster a community of academic leaders who are committed to creating an environment where faculty can thrive and reach their full potential and enhance the quality of higher education by helping academic leaders to better support and mentor their faculty members.
Topics may include Diversity, Equity, Inclusion; Faculty Recruitment and Retention; Faculty Support; Institutional Culture; Leadership and Management; Promotion and Tenure; Strategies for Success; and Wellbeing.
Submission tips:
- Write directly to the audience, remembering that this is a publication read by your peers. The tone should be conversational and prose free of jargon.
- Keep the article short—generally between 800 and 1,500 words (excluding references). Please reference only key sources. Fewer is better; comprehensive literature reviews are unnecessary. Focus on sources that interested readers might want to review. Provide links when applicable.
- Provide practical, actionable advice to help academic leaders more effectively support the faculty they work with. Case studies and first-person accounts are welcome, but we prefer articles with a “what you can do” rather than “what I did” bent.
Be encouraged to write for Supporting Faculty even if you aren’t a widely published author. Don’t downplay the relevance and usefulness of strategies and approaches that you’ve developed and that would be of interest to others with similar leadership responsibilities. Supporting Faculty prides itself on being a place where leaders can learn from and with each other.
Once you’ve written your article, please upload it as a Word doc through our submission portal below. We do not review submissions under consideration elsewhere. The review process typically takes four to five weeks. Issues are published monthly on the first of the month.

The Teaching Professor Conference
The Teaching Professor Conference is a three-day conference for faculty, instructional designers, faculty developers, academic leaders, and others interested in recent pedagogical research, innovative classroom techniques, emerging challenges, proven best practices and more. It is held in June and session proposals are requested in August of the year before.

The Leadership in Higher Education Conference
The Leadership in Higher Education Conference is a dynamic two-and-a-half-day forum for academic leaders to examine the challenges, issues, and trends affecting management in higher education today, to learn actionable strategies to improve efficiency and effectiveness in their positions, and to network with like-minded peers facing similar challenges. It is held in the fall, and session proposals are requested in December of the year before.

The National Conference on Student Leadership
The National Conference on Student Leadership is a highly engaging two-and-a-half-day conference for student leaders and their advisors held in November. Its mission is to create a place for college students to enhance their leadership skills to make a difference on campus, in the local community, and beyond. The conference brings together student and professional campus leaders and connects them with ‘best of the best’ leadership educators.