Welcome KEEN 2021 National Conference Attendees!
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Michael J. Rust, PhD,
Associate Professor
For faculty and teachers, especially in STEM fields, who are looking to shift their teaching mindset from sustaining technologies to disruptive technologies, this 20-Minute Mentor will provide expert guidance on how teaching disruptive innovation in a STEM course can help students think more critically. Concepts and examples related to disruptive innovation are discussed, including how they can be used to help train students to become more customer-focused. Basic background information, examples, and an activity will help viewers learn and apply the concepts to their own teaching.

Irina Chernikova, PhD, Professor,
The University of Akron
It’s quite evident that improving retention and degree completion are complex tasks that involve the entire university structure. STEM education adds a layer of complexity that can be challenging when curriculum design and delivery modalities are changing toward an online system. This Magna Online Seminar provides actionable advice on how to meet students’ interest in flexible learning options without compromising course quality or students’ achievement of mastering learning objectives.

Mays Imad, PhD, Professor, Department of Life and Physical Science and Coordinator
Participants are introduced to a phenomenological framework on STEM-inclusive teaching. Explore concrete, evidence-informed strategies to align what students expect from their education with what faculty think; transform the classroom—virtual or in-person—into a sanctuary where all students can explore life; and create a meaning-centered education which is grounded in love of knowledge, beauty, and humanity.

Barbara Jacoby, PhD, Senior Consultant,
University of Maryland
Teaching critical reflection skills in STEM courses helps develop professionals who can think, analyze, reason, solve problems creatively, and communicate. While some may be hesitant about teaching these skills in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics courses, that’s where students and society can reap multiple benefits from critical reflection. Learn how to incorporate these skills in your STEM courses.