
Journal of Faculty Development

The Journal of Faculty Development is an independent, peer-reviewed journal. Issued three times per year, it is a medium for the exchange of information regarding faculty development in post-secondary educational institutions.

Journal of Faculty Development

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The Journal of Faculty Development publishes research and scholarship on innovation in faculty development that is relevant for administrators, faculty members, and faculty development professionals. The focus of this independent, peer-reviewed scholarly journal is on faculty development in post-secondary educational institutions. It provides support for educators and administrators seeking research studies (utilizing both qualitative and quantitative methodologies) that further explore theory and philosophies related to faculty development.

JFD September 2024 issue


Information, Research and Fellowship You Need

The field of faculty development studies draws on theories and research from a broad range of disciplines and benefits from the exchange of information. The Journal of Faculty Development, founded in 1983, publishes three times each year and covers important topics relevant to educational developers, deans, department chairs, executives, and faculty.

Each issue of the Journal of Faculty Development includes a general section with three to five articles and a special section with six to eight articles edited by one or more invited editors. General sections of this independent, peer-reviewed educational journal for faculty and administrators include research on:

  • Program Design
  • Professional Development
  • Faculty Development
  • Curriculum and Leadership
  • Higher Education Pedagogy
  • Implementation
  • Evaluation and Assessment

Special sections offer more insight on a particular theme:

  • Innovative practices in the field of faculty development
  • What the future holds for faculty development
  • Leadership practices for faculty development programs

As one of the only few peer-reviewed journal for academic developers, the Journal of Faculty Development is for those in higher education who are interested in current research and practices within this important field. Readers benefit by finding sources for additional research and further developing theoretical and practical understandings of faculty development.

Upcoming Editorial Calendar

The Journal of Faculty Development is pleased to announce the following for 2025–26 special section editorial calendar:

          • January 2025: Supporting and Advancing Faculty at all Stages
          • May 2025: Faculty Development and Artificial Intelligence
          • September 2025: Faculty Recognition as Faculty Development
          • January 2026: Academic Libraries and Faculty Development


    Start Your Subscription Today

    The Journal of Faculty Development offers affordable subscription rates for one, two, and three year terms. Unless otherwise requested, subscriptions begin with the current issue.

    Individual subscriptions
    Subscription Period Print* or Online Print* and Online
    1 year $199 $299
    2 year $318  $478
    3 year $418  $628
    Institutional subscriptions
    Subscription Period Online Print* and Online
    1 year $399  $499
    2 year $638 $798
    3 year $838  $1,048

    To order a multiple year subscription or institutional subscription,
    please contact Customer Service at 800-433-0499 ext. 2.

    *Print version available to U.S. mailing addresses only.

    A Resource for Academic Publishing

    Unlike other publications, the Journal of Faculty Development is a primary source for your research, offering a peer-reviewed outlet in a journal designed for faculty and educational developers. We understand that the opportunity to publish in peer-reviewed journals is critical for growth, advancement, and promotion opportunities in higher education.

    You can share your expertise and research within faculty development practices by applying to publish in the Journal of Faculty Development. We welcome manuscript submissions designed to advanced practical understandings and theoretical understandings of faculty development in post-secondary institutions.

    Published work typically includes an abstract, description, methods, results, discussion, reflection, conclusion, references and authors. For complete submission guidelines, click below:

          View Submission Guidelines      

        Special Section Call for Papers    

                Call for Book Reviews           


Journal of Faculty Development

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