
Supporting Faculty

Supporting Faculty equips you with invaluable insight and perspectives into the unique challenges of leading college faculty. With each issue offering expert advice for informed decision-making and confident leadership, you will ensure the happiness, productivity, and engagement of your department’s faculty which directly contributes to your students’ success.


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A Dependable Resource for Academic Leaders Who Work with Faculty.

As an academic leader, you understand better than anyone that faculty are the face of the college. However, you may have received little or even no formal training on effectively working with and leading faculty. Instead, you have had to learn on the job and rely on your intuition.

You are not alone.

Your colleagues in similar roles have also spoken up about the limited resources available to those who work with college faculty. Leaders like yourself need a go-to resource with expert insight and guidance.

Introducing Supporting Faculty, the only publication dedicated to those who work with faculty.

Who is Supporting Faculty for?

If you want to lead faculty with purpose and vision, then Supporting Faculty is an excellent resource. Supporting Faculty is ideal for:

  • Academic deans
  • Department chairs
  • Professional staff in roles that work with faculty

What topics does Supporting Faculty cover?

Supporting Faculty offers insight into the unique issues academic leaders who work with faculty face. Issues are published monthly, each containing expert-written articles to help you ensure the long-term success of your department and students. Key topics covered include:

  • Faculty recruitment and retention
  • Promotion, tenure, and evaluation
  • Leadership and management
  • Mental health, burnout, and wellbeing

What topics are featured in upcoming Supporting Faculty issues?

The July 2024 issue of Supporting Faculty features:

  • New Title IX Regulations: What Faculty Leaders Need to Know
  • Chairs and Deans Collaborating on Enhancing Department Budgets
  • A Critical Framework for Supporting Faculty and Staff Mental Health and Well-Being
  • Navigating the New Landscape of Equity and Inclusion
  • How We Can Turn AI into an Opportunity Rather Than a Threat
  • Reducing Pipeline Leaks: Faculty Development for Advancing and Retaining a Diverse Faculty

The August 2024 issue of Supporting Faculty will feature:

  • Expanding Leadership Roles for Non-Tenure Track Faculty
  • Tackling the Teaching Statement: What Do Reviewers Want?
  • Five Ways Administrators Can Show Faculty Support
  • Promoting Faculty Development on a Tight Budget
  • Moving Toward Equity by Addressing Whiteness

What are the benefits of subscribing to Supporting Faculty?

Supporting Faculty provides you with insight and perspectives into the unique issues of leading college faculty. Each monthly issue offers expert advice to make informed decisions and lead confidently. Ensuring the faculty in your department are happy, productive, and engaged translates to your student’s success.

A Group Subscription for Your Entire Campus is Now Available!

You can now supply all of your Deans, Department Chairs, and professional staff that work with faculty access to Supporting Faculty with our Group Subscription – Campus Access option. IP based access is also available with this option. If you wish to have IP based access, please contact our Customer Service team at for more details.


Who publishes Supporting Faculty?

Supporting Faculty is published by Magna Publications, a trusted resource in the higher education community. More than 50,000 faculty members and academic leaders across 4,000 campuses worldwide turn to Magna Publications’ programs, conferences, and publications, including The Teaching Professor and Academic Leader, for expert guidance.

Product Code: CPSFAD

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