Magna Digital Library 3-Week Free Trial
How to sign up for your free trial:
- Click Sign Up Now to be taken to the checkout section or continue to scroll down until you reach the checkout section
- Fill out your contact information and click Sign Up Now in the checkout section to complete your order
After you sign up, your access instructions will then be immediately emailed to the email address you provided and your access will officially begin. Your instructions will come from Magna Publications, subject line “Your Magna Publications Order is Now Complete”. Check your spam folder if you do not see it in your inbox. Note that your access expires 3 weeks after you sign up.
Your Magna Digital Library free trial provides you with 3 weeks of access to:
- 400+ expert-led video programs on a variety of higher education topics for all levels of faculty, leadership, and staff experience
- Supplemental resources for every video program
- Transcripts for every video program
What our subscribers say about Magna Digital Library:

No credit card required to gain access to your free trial. Click Sign Up Now to start your free trial process. If you would like full access after your 3-Week free trial ends, you must purchase a subscription.
Magna Digital Library 3-Week Free Trial
$0.00 for 3 weeks
Magna Digital Library is an e-learning platform designed to enhance educator excellence through engaging video content. With over 400 expert-led video programs, it empowers faculty and academic leaders to elevate teaching, learning, and student success by top educational experts providing specific and actionable advice that can be immediately implemented.