Frequently Asked Questions

Q. When can I view the virtual conference?

A. In-person registrants automatically receive on-demand access to all content from the beginning of the conference until 11:59 pm Central on September 30, 2021. For virtual conference only registrants, your on-demand access begins Monday, June 7, 2021 for all content.

Q. What time does the conference end?

A. The conference ends on Sunday, June 7 at 1:15 pm (Eastern) Access to the virtual conference will end on September 30, 2021 at 11:59 pm (Central).

Q. Where can I find list of conference sessions?

A. Sessions will be posted on this website and the conference app. 

Q. Can I apply my registration fee for the in-person conference to the Virtual Conference?

A. Yes! You can use any fees paid toward the virtual conference. You’ll receive a refund if the virtual conference cost is lower than what you paid. Contact Customer Service at

Q. Will there be preconference workshops available in the Virtual Conference?

A. No. There are no virtual preconference workshops.

Q. Where will next year’s conference be and when?

A. We announce the dates and locations for the next annual Teaching Professor Conference during the current conference (June).

Q. When can I submit a proposal to present at the conference?

A. We generally open the call for proposals to those interested in presenting at the conference in August of the year prior to the conference. The call for proposals is open for submissions until October. After the call for proposals has been closed, no new submissions will be accepted.

Q. Do you offer scholarships or financial assistance to attend this conference?

A. At this time, we do not offer scholarships or financial assistance to attend the Teaching Professor Conference. If at any point this changes, we will provide information and instructions on our conference website.

Q. How many people attend this conference?

A. In the past several years, we have had more than 1,000 attendees at the in-person conference, and 1,800 at the virtual conference.

Q. Who should attend this conference?

A. This conference is non-discipline specific. We welcome faculty from all levels and departments to participate.