The 2021 Teaching Professor Virtual Conference Poster Sessions
Topical Area 1: Preparing Your Course
Gaining Knowledge and Experience in Real-World Settings Through Active Learning
Nelda Mier, Texas A&M University
The active learning approach was used to design a course titled “Principles of Health Program Management.” This poster aims to provide insights gained from this course, which are applicable to different academic fields. In this course, active learning activities engaged students in establishing local partnerships, developing and delivering program materials, recruiting participants, and self-reflecting. Students’ reflections showed that their main lessons learned included how to collaborate with local leaders; lead and work in teams; manage programs in community settings; be more confident as public health practitioners; and be professionally prepared for their future jobs.
Topical Area 2: Assessing Learning
Using Self-Reflection to Assess Learning
Ann Marie Ade, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
This poster presents ways to use self-reflection in various ways to assess student learning. Three specific methods will be examined: the use of an ePortfolio, the use of journals and blogs, and the use of reflection in final examinations. The presenter will provide examples used in composition courses developed and taught by the presenter and discuss how they can be applied in other disciplines, as well. The benefits of self-reflection will also be outlined, including, but not limited to, increasing student self-awareness, aiding student critical thinking skills, decreasing plagiarism, and assessing whether or not course learning outcomes are being met.
Topical Area 4: Technology Tools for Teaching
Tech Tools for Collaborating and Sorting
Karen Gentsch, East Texas Baptist University
Concepts sorts are simple small group or individual activities where students are given vocabulary terms. This poster will show what this looks like using and Google Drawings. Collaboration with peers has been found to promote critical reflection and thinking among college students. Two resources for doing this without face-to-face contact are Whiteboard.Fi and Google Jamboards. This poster will have a brief description of each resource, directions for how to use each, information on where to watch tutorials/learn more about each resources, and examples of student products created in the college classroom.
Topical Area 5: Online Teaching & Learning
Students’ Experiences during Remote Teaching: A Perspective from Mid-Quarter Inquiries
Cecilia Gomez and Patricia Turner, University of California, Davis
This qualitative study explores students’ self-reported learning experiences at an R1 university during the rapid transition to remote teaching in 2020. We aim to better understand students’ perceptions regarding what helps students learn and what limits student learning in a remote teaching context. We also identify emerging themes regarding teaching practices that support or hinder student learning during remote teaching. This study uses anonymous, mid-quarter inquiry student surveys from a variety of courses and academic disciplines. The poster presents the results of our analysis and discusses evidence-based teaching strategies that promote student learning in a remote context.
Topical Area 6: Teaching Specific Student Populations
From Theory to Practice: Graduate Students’ Perspectives of Microteaching in an Interactive Lecture Framework
Patricia Turner, University of California, Davis
This poster presents graduate students’ perceptions of microteaching, a technique used in teacher education to engage students in planning/teaching a lesson to peers, with substantial peer and instructor feedback. Students taught using an Interactive Lecture format. A thematic analysis was performed on 25 post-reflections collected over two terms from students in a seminar on college teaching. The poster discusses the pedagogical concepts/skills students used in their microteaching; the changes to their teaching they reported after microteaching; and the role of peer and instructor feedback in this teacher development process. This poster presents the results of our analysis.
Topical Area 7: Equity, Diversity, Inclusion
Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion by Finding Your Mathematical Roots
Linda McGuire, Muhlenberg College
Studies on climate in undergraduate STEM education make clear the urgent need to better understand the barriers that inhibit student persistence and success in STEM, particularly among underrepresented minority, first-generation, low-income, and female students. This poster links existing literature to the development of a semester-long project that can be adapted for use in mathematics (or other) courses ranging from introductory level, general-education classes to advanced courses in the mathematics major. Through the intentional creation of mathematical family trees and writing their own mathematical biographies, this project is designed to battle “belonging uncertainty” and to invite and challenge students to “self-situate” in relation to the history of mathematical and scientific knowledge.
Topical Area 8: Teaching in the Health Sciences
Inter-professional Simulation Education among OT, PT and Nursing Students
Alicia Lohmann, Rebecca Aulbach, Wayne Brewer, Stacy Flynn, and Teresa Maharaj, Texas Woman’s University
This poster shows the effectiveness of Inter-professional Education on self-efficacy among occupational therapy, physical therapy, and nursing students during simulation lab experiences and inter-professional collaboration amongst faculty from conception to completion with pre- and post-qualitative analysis using the Self-Efficacy Inter-professional Experiential Learning Scale.
Topical Area 9: Instructional Vitality: Ways to Keep Teaching Fresh and Invigorated
Teaching Excellence: Moving from Student Centered to Informed Peer feedback
Maria Reid and Erica Caton, Florida International University
Annual evaluating teaching practices nationwide within institutions of higher education, regardless of rank, usually revolve around student satisfaction surveys. Current practices are biased, particularly toward women and minorities. So, the need for alternative tools of measurement as well as other sources of data for exploration and development of pedagogy are paramount. Peers have been identified as a reliable, competent and less biased approach to this burgeoning issue. This topic will assist both those seeking peer review and those willing to engage in the process. This poster looks at the response to changes in teaching evaluation on an institutional and departmental level and looks at the creation of a training course to educate faculty on the use of appropriate feedback for peer review of courses, syllabi, and assignments.
Topical Area 10: For New Faculty
Toward Open Educational Resources (OER)
Kapila Dissanayaka, Motlow State Community College
Open Educational Resources (OER) are educational materials that are openly licensed, freely available online, and modifiable with proper attribution to original authors. Since OER have the potential of replacing publisher textbooks of many collegiate courses at zero cost, the use of OER can reduce the overwhelming cost of college textbooks. Also, the use of OER can induce relatively high student enrolment and completion rates of collegiate courses. However, the awareness about OER must be improved substantially among collegiate faculty to make the proper use of OER for college education. Hence, this poster presents the fundamentals of OER and reviews the impact of OER on college education.