Susan Leahy

Susan Leahyis a certified speaking professional with more than 15 years of speaking, training, management, and leadership experience. She is the co-founder, motivational speaker, and master trainer at Group to TEAM Leadership Solutions, a firm that offers team building, leadership training, andconsulting. Leahy is the creator of Robert's Rules Made Simple, a training organization that has provided Robert's Rules of Order training for thousands of boards across the United States and Canada. Her passion for motivating women has led her to create The Confident Woman Program, an online training that connects women to their confidence while elevating the condition of women worldwide.

Leahy earned an MA in applied behavioral science with emphasis in coaching and consulting from Bastyr University in Washington State.



Updated: 11-20-2017

  • Certified Student Leader: Group Fundamentals
    • Certified Student Leader: Group Fundamentals
    • Certified Student Leader: Group Fundamentals

    • $139.00
    • This online course helps students learn some of the most important lessons in effective leadership, gleaned from the best practices of successful organizations worldwide. It covers critical skills the students need to be an effective student leader both in college and beyond.
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