Conference Workshops

Customizable Workshops

Build the best conference for your needs with a customizable workshop schedule. With a variety of workshops available, the hardest decision is choosing which ones you’ll attend.

Workshops include:

  • Self-Care and Wellness
  • Communication
  • Leadership
  • Life Skills
  • Changemakers
  • Networking

Student Advisors & Student Affairs Professionals-plan to attend sessions designed just for you!

iconSelf-Care and Wellness

Sessions in this track empower students to prioritize their well-being as they develop essential leadership skills. “Keeping your cup full” means you can lead others sustainably and compassionately.

Becoming a Mental Health Warrior

Erin Pompa, Erin Pride LLC

During this workshop, we’ll explore the universal nature of mental health challenges and the importance of nurturing our mental well-being. Students will learn to define mental health, recognize signs of jeopardy, and develop personalized, practical strategies for daily self-care. Through honest reflection and actionable practices, participants will gain the tools needed to face challenges head-on and build a resilient, thriving mindset. Embrace the journey to becoming a Mental Health Warrior and confidently empower yourself to navigate life’s ups and downs.

Building Resilient Leaders Through Mental Fitness

Sam Anthony Lucania, Sam Anthony Speaks and Steve Wize, Mental Fitness LLC

In the words of the late college basketball coach, John Wooden, “The most powerful leadership tool you have is your own example.” Leadership is all about being a role model; however, leadership is earned, not granted. To be a role model that others respect requires self-discipline and resiliency. You can have all talent in the world, can be assigned a position of leadership, but if you are not true to the responsibilities of that role, you’ll never lead a team to its fullest potential. If your character isn’t consistent with the role a leadership position demands, people will not follow. Said another way, leadership is about more than just performance, it’s about character. Mental fitness helps leaders build their mental self-discipline and resiliency. It helps them develop their character and gives them the tools and guidance to lead by example. Your talk as a leader is only as powerful as the path you walk.

Fearlessness is NOT a Superpower: Respond to Anxiety Like Batman

Ben Jeppsen, Augustana University

Transitioning to college and career can be a period of intense stress and anxiety for students. The pressure to perform academically, coupled with newfound independence, separation from family, and new social roles and expectations, often exacerbates feelings of anxiety. It’s well-documented that anxiety disorders are the most common mental health issues among college students (Pedrelli et al., 2015; Center for Collegiate Mental Health, 2019). Many students, even those who do not meet the criteria for a disorder, experience significant distress. A common response to these challenges is escape avoidance, which includes behaviors such as substance abuse, comfort eating, social isolation, and denial (Deasy et al., 2014). This response can perpetuate the cycle of anxiety and avoidance. However, inspired by Batman’s active approach to challenges, we can adopt a more constructive response. Drawing from Steven Hayes’ Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Marsha Linehan’s Dialectical Behavior Therapy (Norcross & Prochaska, 2018), I propose using Batman’s response as a model for mindful distress tolerance. In this session, students will challenge the assumption that fearlessness is the goal, and instead advocate for a courageous acceptance of challenges, encouraging students to develop adaptive coping skills that replace escape avoidance and other maladaptive behaviors.

Understanding Anxiety

Heather Ransom

In this session, discover how stress and anxiety, two different emotional responses, can affect you mentally and physically, and what you can do to manage both more efficiently. Explore real-life scenarios with the specialists from Work2BeWell to better understand how to respond to friends or peers experiencing anxiety and discuss ways to support yourself and others in stressful situations. Attendees will also engage in activities to move anxious thinking to realistic thinking and learn how to create a campus/team/sorority/fraternity/dorm/etc. guide to managing anxiety as well.


Explore foundational communication skills, including active listening, public speaking, conflict resolution, and persuasive storytelling. By enhancing verbal and non-verbal communication, students become equipped to lead more effectively.

Communication with Less Confrontation – Transition How You Listen

Vincent Phipps, Communication VIP Training & Coaching

Relationships are the new revenue! Communication is not what you throw, but what they catch. Balance feelings with facts. Adapt your communication to the recipient. Modify response to manage conversational flow. Stop treating others how you want to be treated and start treating others the way they want to be treated.

Five Voices and Me: Understanding Dominant Voice and Its Impact on Communication

Courtney Lewis, Eastern Michigan University

This session invites students to explore and refine their unique voices through a mix of self-assessment and interactive activities. Participants will identify their communication strengths and weaknesses, learn how their voices mesh with others, and discover strategies for overcoming challenges in team settings. Young leaders will gain insights into their communication styles, understanding how to effectively convey their ideas and lead diverse groups. The session will focus on enhancing communication and collaboration, equipping students with tools to navigate and succeed in any team dynamic.

Leadership Communication: A Contact Sport

Will Baggett, Emergent Executives LLC

In this powerful workshop, we delve into the heart of leadership, exploring the idea that effective leadership is not a passive endeavor but a dynamic and engaging contact sport. Drawing inspiration from the world of sports where resilience, strategy, and teamwork are paramount, this speech offers valuable insights on how leaders can navigate the challenges of the corporate arena. Attendees will learn how to develop a winning mindset, build strong and cohesive teams, and lead with impact in an ever-evolving landscape.

Shine Bright Like a Diamond: 7 Secrets of Successful Public Speaking

Kristel Flynn, Saint Xavier University

As a student leader, you will be called upon to communicate your messages effectively to others. You may be asked to present information about getting involved, how to succeed in college, utilizing important resources and many other topics. In this interactive session, you will learn strategies and tips to build your confidence and become an effective speaker. You already stand out from the crowd as a leader – now learn how to shine in your public speaking skills!

Soft Skills Supercharge: Blending Tradition with Innovation

Amanda Best-Noel, University of the West Indies and Camille Edwards, Life Skills Development Lab

In today’s dynamic world, effective leadership extends beyond traditional skills. It encompasses personal branding, impactful communication, and meaningful mentorship. This workshop dives deeply into these critical aspects, empowering student leaders to unlock their full potential. Leadership research by Wang (2023) and Syed (2023) posited that student leadership often involves a range of related abilities that students possess or require for leadership roles. Student leadership education necessitates the personal and professional development of student leaders to progress global thought. This workshop looks at the 21st-century skills student leaders need to develop themselves and influence from the perspective of student leadership education, synthesizing both leadership theories and practice.


Sessions in this track are dedicated to developing impactful and visionary student leaders and explore various leadership styles and skills.

Barz that Raise the Bar: The Art of Endurance

Jonathan Cabrera, Abstract Lifestyle

Ever been hit with so much at once that you wonder how you are going to get past the semester? What about getting past life? It is difficult for anyone to fulfill their role as a leader in society when things seem to be falling apart personally. We will discuss ways to develop the skills, tools and mentality needed to endure through rhymin’ and freestylin’. Spittin’ barz that raise the bar.

Lead Your Way

Lauren Dreher, Speaker, Writer, and Podcaster

In this session, we’ll explore the importance of embracing your unique leadership style, rather than trying to mimic others. While it’s valuable to learn from great leaders we admire, true success comes from putting your own spin on these lessons and being authentically yourself. Trying to lead like someone else can feel forced and come across as insincere. We’ll discuss how staying true to your own strengths and values can not only lead to personal success but also inspire positive change in the professional world and beyond. By embracing your unique leadership style, you’ll encourage others to do the same and stand confidently in their own leadership abilities.

“When I Was Your Age!: Successful Leadership Across the Generations

Matthew Shupp, Shippensburg University

Organizations can be thought of as living organisms made up of the individuals working within it. According to a Pew Research Center analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data, more than one-in-three American labor force participants (35%) are Millennials, making them—currently—the largest generation in the U.S. labor force. Yet, individuals part of the Baby Boomer generation, Generation X, Generation Z, and, shortly, Generation Alpha also exist within these spaces and hold, at times, vastly different worldviews. While these varying lenses hold possibility for growth in the workplace, what often occurs is resistance to change and hurt feelings resulting in stifled outcomes. Join this session and discover new and innovative strategies to effectively lead across generational differences!

Why Not Me? Three Keys to Embracing the Leader Within

Stefan Thomas, University of Toronto Scarborough

In a world where students are encouraged to lead, the transition from being inspired to lead, to creating a real-world impact often presents unforeseen challenges. Many student leaders possess the skills but lack a crucial foundation – a deep understanding of their own identity. Aspiring student leaders need more than just technical skills; they must first learn the art of self-leadership. Through this transformative workshop, we will dive into what I call the 3 W’s of Leadership. You will learn how to uncover WHO you are at your core, explore WHY you believe in (or doubt) your leadership potential, and understand WHAT it takes to be a bold and effective leader. Prepare for the world that awaits you beyond your college/university walls by equipping yourself with the essential self-awareness and resilience skills needed to navigate the complexities of leadership in your community, workplace, and society.

iconLife Skills

The life-skills track is tailored to equip college students with vital life skills to navigate adulthood successfully and balance their responsibilities, including time management, financial literacy, emotional intelligence, and critical thinking.

Awaken Your Potential

Clint Pardoe, Speaker and Coach

Awaken Your Potential provides student leaders with a simple holistic approach to help them live their full potential by integrating today’s most popular leadership topics into one life-changing message. This session aims to guide college students in holistic self-care, conscious communication, efficient time management, and taking powerful actions. Many students often neglect these aspects, leading to physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual challenges. Drawing from Ken Wilber’s “Integral Life Practice,” the session will explore physical health, emotional balance, mental clarity, and spiritual awakening. It will also cover communication techniques to enhance relationships and introduce time management strategies based on the Maker/Manager model. Finally, the session will encourage setting SMART goals to take effective action.

Cultivating Tomorrow’s Innovators: Leadership Skills for the Digital Age

Pamela Gurley, Clark and HIll Enterprise

This session aims to bridge the gap between leadership and technology, demonstrating how emergent leaders can forge a path within the tech-savvy workspace of the future. It aims to blend the understanding of tech’s impact on leadership with actionable insights for aspiring and current leaders to equip them for success in our digital era.

Unlocking Potential: Life Skills and Leadership for Future Success

Jeremiah Brown, The Lead AAC

This workshop explores the transformative power of the 5 C Framework in unlocking student leadership potential, connecting it to current issues and trends in collegiate leadership. Participants will embark on a journey of self-discovery and skill development, beginning with challenge discovery, where they will identify leadership challenges and uncover their unique purposes, setting the foundation for clarity in career goals that are essential for effective leadership. This workshop then focuses on developing competence in crucial skills like communication, collaboration, and critical thinking through interactive activities and discussions, building confidence to navigate complex leadership situations. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of professional networks in supporting leadership growth. By integrating these elements, students will be equipped to navigate their college journey with purpose, overcome challenges, and become influential leaders.

Workplace Dynamics: The Role of Generations in Effective Leadership Communication

Santana Batten, Draft Career Consulting

This session helps college students entering the workforce understand communication and leadership across generations. It raises awareness of generational differences, prepares them for diverse work environments, enhances their leadership skills, teaches problem-solving and collaboration, and contributes to their professional development. Overall, it equips students with essential insights and strategies to navigate the complexities of the modern workplace effectively.


Become agents of change who inspire and advocate for inclusivity, advocate for a better future, and are social justice champions—both with the groups you lead on campus and on your postgraduate path.

Belonging to Belong: Why Emotional Courage is Required to Support People and Change Systems

Tre Cabrera, Cabrera Advisory Group, LLC

This interactive session is built exclusively for leaders and professionals, across sectors and industries, who care deeply about revolutionizing their influence in organizational culture-building. People want cultures that prioritize belonging; and leaders have a core responsibility to champion the workplace culture and amplify how the organization empowers its people to thrive through values.

Leadership that Lives Forever: How to Be a Leader that Leaves a Legacy

Natilie Williams, Nat Will, Speak!

When you think of memorable leaders, you think of those that left behind a true impact and lives on for years. As a campus leader, it is time for you to think of the legacy and impact that you will provide. During this session, we will examine the perception of the student leadership culture and discuss steps to maximize their individual and collective legacy during their campus takeover. This highly interactive workshop will also examine what it means to leave a legacy, how to balance social image and academic/professional development, detail clear goals through execution, all while using pop culture examples. Participants will walk away with tangible ideas and methods on how to leave a legacy on their college/university.

The Power of Being You

Velshay Stokes, Amerihealth Caritas

This session will focus on the importance of authenticity in leadership in a fun and relatable way. As students who will eventually transition out of university it is important that have a sense of security in order to remain true to themselves. It is easy to feel the need to conform and fit in but there is power in being an addition vs a fit. Through self-exploration activities, we’ll help you discover your authentic leadership style, tackle imposter syndrome, and learn how to inspire others by being genuine. You’ll leave this session not only educated but also motivated and confident in your ability to lead authentically and make a meaningful impact.

To Know, To Do, To Live Leadership

Keith Copeland, CoachCspeaks

Change comes from having a true understanding of not only what leadership is, but how servant leadership transforms a campus community. “To Know Leadership,” is the first step in a leadership journey. “To Do leadership,” is the second phase of being a substance leader that lives by example, builds trust, relationships, transparency, that creates change and facilitates growth by leading with permission and production as the overall goal. Finally, “To Live Leadership,” allows servant leadership a space to live, to elevate a campus culture, to build momentum and sustain it, and to grow current and future leaders.


Learn to build meaningful connections to better navigate networking opportunities and foster relationships that support your leadership journey and career aspirations.

Stand Out Networking 101: Differentiators That Get You Noticed + Keep You Top-of-Mind

Jessica Villegas, Hi-Lite Coaching

This session provides essential strategies for differentiating oneself in the competitive world of networking. We will cover creating a unique personal brand, delivering compelling elevator pitches, and maintaining visibility through consistent follow-up. Participants will learn actionable tactics to showcase their individuality, expertise, and value, ensuring lasting impressions and meaningful connections. Through interactive discussions and real-world examples, attendees will gain practical skills for building and nurturing professional relationships, positioning themselves as standout leaders in their fields.

Build Your Net Worth Through Building Your Network

Joanna de Pena, Top Notch Scholars

In today’s dynamic collegiate landscape, effective networking is a MUST. It stands as a cornerstone of student leadership development, offering invaluable opportunities for growth and advancement. This session explores the vital connection between building one’s network and fostering successful leadership skills among college students. Amidst current struggles and evolving communication and technological trends, cultivating meaningful connections has emerged as a strategic imperative, enabling students to navigate challenges and seize emerging opportunities with confidence daily!

Linking Leaders: The Art of Building Authentic Connections

Diana Richardson Phillipus, Empowered Women Empower

This session is an interactive workshop meticulously designed for participants seeking to hone their ability to forge authentic connections. Throughout the session, participants will explore the nuances of networking, learn the importance of genuine relationships, and acquire the communication skills crucial to inspiring collaboration and fostering a community of mutual support This workshop equips emerging leaders with the tools necessary to effectively engage with peers, mentors, and professionals, transforming their potential into impactful leadership.

Advisor Sessions

Mindful Leaders Balancing the Wellness Wheel for You and Your Colleagues 

Jodi Schumacher, Eastern Michigan University

Do you ever feel drained due to the demands of being a leader? This session will teach you a variety of ways to balance your wellness wheel. Wellness includes social, emotional, spiritual, environmental, physical, and intellectual. Learn practical tools to implement in your life to manage the demands of leadership. Leaders also need to learn how to support their colleagues in wellness. Learn how to develop wellness activities to use in your current and future positions as leaders.

How Do You Work2BeWell?

Heather Ransom and Sara Nilles Freauf

Learn about Work2BeWell and what it has to offer YOU! As a mental health and wellness program, originally founded by teens in partnership with Providence Health System, we focus on providing mental health resources and education, with the goal of promoting wellness across the country while working to normalize the conversation about mental health and reducing the stigma that surrounds it. In this session, you’ll explore our free resources tailored for college students, featuring practical, clinically vetted advice on self-care, managing anxiety, emotional first aid, and advocating for mental health on campus. Engage in sample activities from various modules and learn how you can leverage Work2BeWell to enhance well-being.